7th grade students will be involved in "The Real Game"and "Job Shadowing"

THE REAL GAME -- an innovative, interactive, and experiential program in which students take on adult work roles and, by play-acting in them and completing classroom and research exercises, learn about many of the aspects of real life that they'll soon face as adults.  These include earning money, budgeting, how earnings must be spent (housing, transportation), discretionary expenditures, evaluating job satisfaction, assessing personal aptitudes and inclinations, and planning for the future.  Students are also introduced to the way the world of work is changing and to its new characteristics (such as job sharing, working from home, working in teams, and  the application of transferable skills).

    Job Shadowing
      Your child will have the opportunity to be excused from schoolto participate in a job shadowing experience with you or another family member.  This experience will give you an opportunity to discuss various careers with your child.


8th grade students will be participating in a Career Fair.

At the Career Fair  students will able to speak with professionals involved in different occupations.

Career exploration helps students identify vocational interests, become familiar with a range of occupations within career paths and career clusters, and identify the skills necessary to do specific jobs.
