If you wish to view a student’s data by utilizing online access to student data, please complete the following and return to Willard Middle School office.


STUDENT NAME:                                                                                      


GRADE LEVEL (circle one) :          7                      8  


As a guardian, you have the option to have up to 3 valid email addresses which will be used as a “username”.   Please PRINT legibly and double check.


Email #1:                                                                     Primary user (required)


Email #2:                                                                     (opt.)


Email #3:                                                                     (opt.)



You will be able to view the following data fields:

§    Current Day’s Attendance

§    Full Attendance history (from the school year)

§    Current Grades (similar to a grade card – includes progress, quarter, & semester grades)

§    Grade History ( previous years’ grades)

§    Current Class Grades ( updated term grade by classroom teachers)

§    Scheduling requests for next year (see the status of next years’ enrollment)

§    Lunch account activity

§    Lunch (daily history)

§    Discipline Incidents and Actions

§    Discipline Notes (about incidents)

§    Medical Data (data on file)



By signing below, I give permission to post the student data fields online.



Printed Name                                       Signature                                              Date