6th Grade

Willard Middle School
407 Farmer Road
Willard, Missouri 65781

Created By:
Angie McGuirk
6th Grade


You have been hired by Excel Elementary to create a newspaper which presents ancient Egyptian history and culture in a creative format.  They will be using this newspaper to teach the younger students about ancient Egypt.  You will be taking on the roles of investigative reporter, editor, and publisher.  The guidelines for this assignment are listed in your task.  Your contact person for this assignment will be your teacher, our liaison for the Springfield area.



Your newspaper must include at least six different sections.  The following is a list of different
sections of a newspaper: 
                international news            classified ads            national news 
                real estate                            local news                 editorials 
                horoscopes                         weather                      sports
                crossword puzzles            business                     comic strips 
                religion                                  entertainment           weather 
                fashion                                  advice column           announcements 
                advertisements                  recipes                        obituaries 

It will be important to make sure that all sections of your newspaper accurately reflect the history and culture of ancient Egypt.  Excel Elementary wants this newspaper to be interesting and informative.


You will need to complete the following steps to research your topic.

STEP 1:  You and a partner will visit two ancient Egypt web sites.
                  You will be expected to answer the questions at each of the two web sites and turn 
                  in your answers.

STEP 2:  As a class, we will complete an ancient Egypt Quiz Bowl.


Your newspaper will be evaluated based on the following scoring guide:
Egyptian Newspaper Scoring Guide

          Name ____________________ 

          * Pre-writing (12 pts)                                                              _____ 
          * Rough Draft (12 pts)                                                            _____ 
              - revisions 
          * Newspaper (80 pts) 
              - title of newspaper reflects ancient Egypt (5 pts)                 _____ 
              - by-lines are included (5 pts)                                              _____ 
              - no spelling errors (5 pts)                                                   _____ 
              - neat in appearance (5 pts)                                                _____ 
              - six different sections included (12 pts)                               _____ 
              - knowledge scoring guide (24 pts)                                     _____ 
              - communication scoring guide (24 pts)                               _____ 
          * Bibliography Source Cards (15 pts)                                     _____ 
              - minimum of three 

          TOTAL                                                                                 _____ / 119 

Demonstrates an accurate knowledge of ancient Egyptian history and culture. Demonstrates an accurate knowledge of ancient Egyptian history and culture with minor errors. Demonstrates an inaccurate or incomplete knowledge of ancient Egyptian history and culture. Demonstrates little familiarity with ancient Egyptian history and culture.
Communicates information effectively by providing a clear main idea or theme with support that contains rich, vivid, and powerful detail. Communicates information by providing a clear main idea or theme with sufficient support and detail. Communicates  information, main idea may not be clear or supporting detail may be lacking. Fails to communicate information clearly.
*Taken from Willard Middle School 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Herron.

After completing your newspaper, we will take the unit test in class.



Excel Elementary is eagerly awaiting your newspaper.  If you have met all of the guidelines, you will be rewarded accordingly.  Congratulations on a job well done!

This WebQuest was created by Angie McGuirk, 6th grade teacher at Willard Middle School.

Special thanks to:
Matt Rosebrough for the WebQuest template.
Bonnie Herron for the newspaper task and rubric.
Janetta Garton for technology wisdom.