
Hola - from Spain




Euro TV - find out what is on TV in Spain

LatinWorld - articles catagorized

El Mundo Latino: information about the arts, press, literature, sports and general happenings in the Spanish-speaking world.

Coloquio: monthly magazine for the Hispanic community of Baltimore and DC.

Ciberayllu Cultural magazine  articles about literary figures, literature and culture from all over the Spanish-speaking world.

Hispanic Culture Review:  an index of Spanish language poetry and prose in Spanish and/or in translation.

Tecla: text in Spanish for students and Teachers of Spanish with articles and accompanying exercises.

JASP: Jóvenes Aunque Sobradamente Preparados: a reference magazine by Renault with articles about the cinema, trips, work opportunities and more.

La Factoria del Ritmo: a Spanish musical magazine from the Universidad de Oviedo in Spain.

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